Using TRACEUsing TRACE > Creating Filters

Creating Filters

New Filter

See Filters for additional information on Filters.

To run a new Quick Filter:


Tutorials Available: Go to Working With Filters and Quick Filters for interactive tutorials on using filters.

1.    To run a filter on a specific module, select the module button from the Module bar to create the filter for, then click New Filter…. The Create a new Filter dialog displays. Or, click the Quick Filter icon   on the Toolbar to display the quick filter interface in the top of the Main pane. Initially, a single row of drop-down lists display.

2.    Select the form type(s) to run the Quick Filter on from the form types drop-down list.

3.    Select the format that defines how the filter results will be displayed

4.    Select the first set of criteria from the first list, on the left side. Depending on the selection, the next drop-down list will provide a list of Boolean operators to choose from, or a list of criteria relevant to the first selection.

5.    From the second list, select either:

The Boolean operator. Go to Step 6, below.

The relevant criteria. Go to Step 7, below.

6.    Select the next set of criteria from the third drop-down list. Note that the criteria in the first list uses the Boolean operator to modify the criteria in the third list. For example, a selection of Severity > Is Not > Major would return all forms where the Severity field does not contain the text “Major”.

7.    To add additional filter criteria, click the plus (+) button to the right of the row.

8.    Performs Steps 4 through 7 as necessary to refine the criteria.

9.    Click the Run Filter button to run the filter.

Figure 523: New Quick Filter


When the quick filter completed running, the Content pane displays (see Figure 5‑24):

1.    filter results. Each form result displays only the fields established by the chosen format.

2.    action links for filters:

o    export options (Export to CSV, Export to Excel, Export to Word)

o    Batch Update: performs updates on multiple forms simultaneously (refer to Batch Updates )

o    Save…: saving option for creating a saved filter form the current quick filter

3.    selected format and list of available formats. The selected format can be changed by selecting one from format list or creating a new format. Once the filter format is changed, the filter results page reloads displaying the same set of results showing the fields established by the new format.

Figure 524 Quick Filter Run

Save a Filter

See Filters for additional information on Filters.

A quick filter that brings expected results can be saved for later runs:

1.    Run a quick filter

2.    Clicking on the Save… link from action bar of the quick filter. The Edit Filter… window opens (see Figure 5‑25)

3.    Complete the upper section on the dialog: enter a name and description; then choose a format and scope. See Filters for additional information.

      Select filter criteria in the lower section of the dialog. Initially, this section loads the quick filter criteria. It can be changed by adding or removing criteria.

4.    Once complete, click Save.

5.    Depending on the selection in the Scope drop-down list, the new filter will display in the relevant section in the Task pane using the name entered in the Name field. Click this link to run the filter.

Figure 525 Edit Filter Window

View Filter Criteria

The Sidebar often displays global filters or filters created by other users. Running one of these filters brings a set of results, to understand what represent these results the filter name and description help, but more helpful is to view the filter criteria.

There are two options to see the filter criteria:

1.    View the criteria before run

a.    For a filter displayed in sidebar, click on [View] link displayed next to filter name (see Figure 5‑26)

b.    Edit Filter window opens showing the information of this filter. Note that the Save button is not available, instead there is a Save As… button for

2.    Run and then view the criteria

a.    On Sidebar, click on the filter name to run the filter

b.    Notice View Filter… link in the action links bar displayed when the filter completes running

Figure 526 View Filter

Save As a Filter

Saved filters can be source for creating new filters. To save a new filter from an existing one:

1.    Run the filter by clicking on the filter name displayed on the sidebar.

2.    Click on View Filter… link in the action links bar displayed when the filter completes running.

3.    Keep the filter as it is or change its settings (name, description, filter criteria)

4.    Click on Save As… button displayed at the bottom of the window

5.    Select the project where you want to save the new filter, keep the current project or choose another one from the list.

6.    Click Save

Save As functionality is very useful to:

·         create a new filter in the current project starting from a global filter, change its criteria, name, description and save as. For example, My Open CCs filter can be changed with a new criteria and saved as My Major Open CCs

·         create a copy in another project starting from a current project filter, by keeping all settings, click Save As… button, choose the target project from the project list and click Save.

Figure 527 Filter Save As