Customizing TRACECustomizing TRACE > Customization ProceduresCustomization Procedures > Field Type Selections

Field Type Selections

This section provides information on selecting field types, including the additional fields that display when a certain field type is selected.



Note: Calculated fields perform numerical calculations on the form only, and do not work across multiple forms.

This field type has two options:

      Formula: A series of functions and arithmetic used to create a final value.

      Number Format: The format that determines how the formula’s output will display.

This field type uses a formula to derive a numerical value. This value is available after the form is saved. The formula is a combination of arithmetic, functions and numerical values. For example, to create a Total field, a simple formula might be:

Number * Number = Total

The term “Number”, above, is a representation for the value (of the field data) that the calculated field will apply the formula to. Calculated field types use the field name to represent the value entered in the field. The actual formula might look something like this:

Cost * Quantity = Total

In this example, the value in the Cost field represents the unit cost. This value multiplied by the value in the Quantity field creates the value in the Total field. The actual text that a user would enter in the Formula text box for the Total field would be:

Figure 67 Formula Text Field Example

Note that the Cost and Quantity fields must be on the same form as the Total field for the calculation to work properly. The following figure provides a pictorial representation of the actual fields in TRACE when added to a form:

Figure 68 Example Fields on Form

In this example, the Total field is a calculated field that displays the results of the formula once the form is saved. While this example focused on using multiplication, calculated fields also allow addition, subtraction, and division, as well as functions.


Note: Do not use arithmetic symbols such as -, +, /, or * in field names. For example, a field titled Cost Type is acceptable, whereas Cost-Type would cause calculations to fail, as the formula would read Cost field MINUS Type field.

Using Functions

Functions provide additional features above and beyond that of simple arithmetic. For example, to apply the Cost and Quantity values in the previous examples to different products with different pricing using simple arithmetic, the user would have to enter the product type and numerical (pricing) values manually in separate fields. Using this approach requires the user to know which values to enter. Depending on the complexity of the products and pricing, this approach may increase the possibility of user-input error. A better solution is to use the SWITCH function to automate the process.

The SWITCH function provides the ability to associate a text description with a numerical value, and then “switch” the value, depending on the selection. The selected value is then added to the rest of the formula to derive the total. For example:

SWITCH(Product Type, 'Basic',100,'Standard',200,'Deluxe',300,0) * Quantity

The form might look something like this:

Figure 69 Form Example with Selection List

In the example above, Product Type represents the field name for a Choice field type. Basic, Standard, and Deluxe represent the selection list choices, and 100, 200, and 300 represent the values that are “switched” depending on the selection. The 0 (zero) at the end of the formula represents the Default Return value if no selection is made. In this example, if a user selects Standard, the value used in the formula’s calculations is 200.

Another refinement is to use the SWITCH function twice: once to set the Product Type cost, and another time to set a fixed discount that varies with the Product Type selection. For example:

SWITCH(Product Type, 'Basic',100,'Standard',200,'Deluxe',300,0) * Quantity * SWITCH(Product Type, 'Basic',.95,'Standard',.9, 'Deluxe',.85,0)

In this example, a discount of 5, 10, or 15 percent applies automatically to the total, while no additional fields were added to the form. To simplify, the formula performs the following math:

Product Type Cost * Quantity * Product Type Discount

Another variation is to use a discount selection list to alter the discount level by customer type:

SWITCH(Product Type, 'Basic',100,'Standard',200,'Deluxe',300,0) * Quantity * SWITCH(Discount by Customer, 'New',.9,'Silver',.85, 'Gold',.8,1)

Note that the numerical value at the end of the formula is a 1 (one) instead of a 0 (zero). This change ensures the math stays correct if the user does not choose a discount to apply. To simplify, the formula performs the following math:

Product Type Cost * Quantity * Discount by Customer

The form might look something like this:

Figure 610 Form Example with Two Selection Lists

Some guidelines for using functions:

      The function name is all capital letters, for example: SWITCH or CONCAT

      Parentheses immediately follow the function name with no spaces, for example: SWITCH (Field Name, ‘Selection1’….

      Brackets contain calculations within calculations. See the list of functions below for examples.

      Combine functions as necessary, but ensure that the math is correct.

      The terms Number and String in the functions list below refer to the value and/or type of the field data. Number refers to numerical references only, whereas String may refer to text and/or numbers combined. Substitute the field name for the words Number and/or String.

      The function must support the field type. For example, to perform numerical calculations, all fields involved must have numerical data or use the SWITCH function to substitute text strings for numbers. Trying to perform calculations on text will return an error when the form is saved.

Additional functions include:

·         MIN(Number [, Number [, ... ]]): Returns the smallest of the arguments.

·         MAX(Number [, Number [, ... ]]): Returns the greatest of the arguments.

·         CONCAT(Separator, String [, String [, ... ]]): Returns the string arguments put together with Separator in between each. Use to place a string of items together from different fields.

·         AVG(Number [, Number [, ...]]): Returns the average for the arguments.

·         QTR(Date [, FirstMonth = 2]): Returns the quarter (FYXX QY) for the given date. Use FirstMonth to control which month the fiscal year starts on.

·         IF(Bool, WhenTrue, WhenFalse): Returns WhenTrue if Bool is true, or WhenFalse otherwise. Bool can be a Flag field type or a boolean expression with ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, &&, ||.

·         SWITCH(Value, CompareTo, Return [, CompareTo, Return [, ...]] [, DefaultReturn]): Compares Value to each CompareTo and returns the corresponding Return, finally returning DefaultReturn if provided and nothing matched. See Using Functions, above, for additional information.

·         RIGHT(String, NumberOfChars): Returns the rightmost NumberOfChars from String. For example, if the String contained the text “Wind River” and NumberofChars is set to “5”, the returned value would be “River”.

·         LEFT(String, NumberOfChars): Returns the leftmost NumberOfChars from String. For example, if the String contained the text “Wind River” and NumberofChars is set to “4”, the returned value would be “Wind”.

·         MID(String,StartChar,NumberOfChars): Returns the characters of String from StartChar + NumberOfChars. For example, if the String contained the text “Wind River”, StartChar is set to the letter “i” and NumberofChars is set to “7”, the returned value would be “ind Riv”.

·         DATE(Day, Month, Year): Creates a valid date value from Numbers, Day, Month (1-12), and Year (4-digit).

·         DAY(Date): Returns the number value corresponding to the day of month from Date.

·         MONTH(Date): Returns the number value corresponding to the month from Date.

·         YEAR(Date): Returns the number value corresponding to the year from Date.

Number Format

Use the Number Format field to set how the calculation displays once the form is saved. Table 6‑1 provides a list of available format options.

Table 61 Number Format Options






Digit or numerical placeholder. If the calculation result is less than the number of zeros, placeholder zeroes display. For example: 100, 010, 001.



Digit or numerical placeholder that does not display zeroes as placeholders. For example, 100, 10, 1.


###.### or


Decimal separator or monetary decimal separator. To use as a monetary decimal separator, ensure that zeroes follow the decimal point to keep placeholders for cents values. For example: 123.456 or 123.45.


###,###,### or


Numerical group separator. Use to display commas for thousands, hundred thousands, and so on. Mix with the decimal separator to provide a combination of comma and decimal separation. For example, 123,456,789 or 123,456.78.



Prefix to denote US dollars. For example, $123,456,789.10.



A prefix used to quote special characters. For example: WRS123.



Placeholder to separate the mantissa from the exponent in scientific notation. For example: 1.234E3.


The Choice field type creates selection lists for use in any form. Additional fields include:

      Allow Multiple Selections: A Choice field type displays a drop-down list box by default. Select Allow Multiple Selections to create a combo box with an add dialog pop-up to allow the selection of multiple items.

      Allow new Entries: Select to add an entry titled Other… to the selection list. When a user clicks Other…, a text box displays for adding a new entry.

      Keep sorted: Select to keep list items sorted alphabetically and numerically.

      Choices: Use Add and Delete to manage list choices. Entries here display as field choices.

      Export/Import: Choice values can be exported in CSV format.


Document field types are text fields with an Add Document button for launching a dialog to add documents or web links to documents to the field. Select Allow Multiple Selections to provide the functionality of adding multiple documents to the field.

Figure 611 Document Field with Multiple Selections


A Flag field type creates a checkbox for the user. This field returns a 1 (one) when selected or a 0 (zero) when not selected.


Number field types are used to enter numerical data only. Additional fields include:

      Format: See Table 6-1, Number Format Options.

      Minimum: Enter a minimum number, or leave blank for no numerical lower limit.

      Maximum: Enter a maximum number, or leave blank for no numerical upper limit.


This field type provides a way for users to create links to other TRACE forms. Related field types display a Search to add field for locating forms that a user wants to establish a relationship to.

Figure 612 Related Field

The Related Type selection list provides a way to determine the manner in which related items associate with other related items. Choices include:

      Straight: The default selection. A straight relationship creates links between two forms, for example, Form A and Form B. When a user opens Form A, a link to Form B displays in Related section of the page. When the same user open Form B, a link to Form A displays. When a user performs a search, all forms that contain the search criteria display in the results for possible addition to the Related field. Note that the search will only return new related items.

      Inverse: An inverse relationship is used to create specific dependencies between form types, and also to establish the direction of the relationship. Direction in this instance refers to the linking between two inverse fields, and is independent of the forms the fields are located on. When a user creates a new form type, and selects an inverse Related field type, they must choose the direction of the relationship. For example, Form A belongs to a Test module and Form B belongs to a Requirements module. Since tests and requirements are inter-related as part of project management, the user wants to create a relationship between a test item and the requirement that defines it. The test item will only refer to the requirement and vice versa. Other project items such as bugs, issues, and so on will not be included as part of the relationship. Using this example, the user creates an inverse relationship first from Form A to Form B, establishing that the direction is from Form A to Form B. Next, the user creates an inverse relationship from Form B to Form A, establishing the direction is from Form B to Form A. When these form types are put to use, project staff will only be able to search for and add related items with the inverse direction, or more specifically, forms that have been created to link to the form they are working in.

      Double Inverse: A double-inverse relationship establishes a two-way connection between two forms. One example in TRACE is the blocks/depends on feature. For example, if issue I0001 keeps action item A0005 from being completed, I0001 blocks A0005. Consequently, A0005 depends on the resolution of I0001 for its own successful completion. Where an Inverse relationship only allows related fields to link in a single direction, the double inverse establishes a two-way relationship between two forms. When a user performs a search, all forms that contain the search criteria display in the results for possible addition to the Related field, like a straight relationship.


Text field types provide entry for any text string, including numerical characters. Select Multi-line to provide a wrapped multi-lined text box.

Long Text

Text field types provide entry for any text string up to 8,000 characters.


User field types are text fields with buttons for adding or removing TRACE project staff to/from the field. Select Allow Multiple Selections to provide the functionality of adding multiple users to the field.

Figure 613 User Field with Multiple Selections