Customizing TRACECustomizing TRACE > Customization ProceduresCustomization Procedures > Project Staff Management

Project Staff Management

Project Staff defines the users explicitly assigned to project and their role.

Add an existing user as staff member.

Existing user means that the user already has a TRACE account.

a.    Click New Staff link on Project Home Page to display Create a new staff member dialog.

b.    Search and select the person(s) to be added, choose the role from Role drop-down populated with global roles and custom roles create in current project

Tip: Use double click on user name to add staff to project

c.    Click Save button or Save & New to keep the window open

Tip: For adding multiple users at once, select their names , set a Role and click Save

Add new user as staff member.

New user means that the user does not have a TRACE account and its account will be created when add him to staff.

a.    Click on New TRACE Account to open Create a new User dialog.

b.    Fill the First Name, Last Name, Email, choose an organization from Organization drop-down and a role from Role drop-down.

Edit a staff member to change role

a.    Click on user name displayed Project Staff section on the Project Home Page to open Edit Staff Member dialog.

b.    Change the role from Role drop-down.

c.    Click Save button

Remove user from project staff

a.    Click on user name displayed Project Staff section on the Project Home Page to open Edit Staff Member dialog.

b.    Click on Delete


Tutorials Available: Go to Working With Staff and Roles for an interactive tutorial on staff management