Customizing TRACECustomizing TRACE > Customization ProceduresCustomization Procedures > Project Settings

Project Settings

Project Settings define who can access the project and the project modules and form types.

Project Settings… link is available for Project Administrators on the action bar of the Project Home Page.

Project Settings include the following:

      Name: Defines project name

      Description: Briefly describes the project

      Organizations: Defines which organizations are involved in this project

      Access: Defines user access to this project

a.    Assigned Staff Only: Project can be accessed by users explicitly assigned to project and listed in project staff only.

b.    All Internal Users: Project can be accessed by users explicitly assigned to project and all the other users which have a TRACE account marked as Internal. See Internal vs. External for additional information.

Role for Unassigned Users option establishes the role in project for the users that can access the project but are unassigned users.

c.    Selected Organizations: Project can be accessed by users explicitly assigned to project and all the other users which belong to organizations listed in the Organizations field of this project.

Role for Unassigned Users option establishes the role in project for the users that can access the project but are unassigned users.

For example, a project with settings:

Organizations: Wind River

Access: Selected Organizations

can be accessed by all Wind Rivers users even they are not assigned in project in an explicit way.

d.    All Users: Project can be accessed by users explicitly assigned to project and all the other users in the system.

Role for Unassigned Users option establishes the role in project for the users that can access the project but are unassigned users.


a.    Show staff e-mail addresses on home page: Defines to display the email address of each project member near the user name on Project Home Page.

b.    Per-form access on: Defines to activate the ability for set access controls per each for  wider visibility

c.    Per-form customized notification on: See tutorial for Working with Per-form customized notification

d.    Disable standard roles: Defines to deactivate standard roles within this project

      Modules and Form Types:

Figure 61: Project Settings Window