Understanding TRACEUnderstanding TRACE > Data OrganizationData Organization > Modules


Modules are used to organize a group of form types by functionality. A module has a specific project function, such as bugs or tests. For example, a bug is a specific problem that is assigned to project staff with an expected resolution date. When a user enters or updates that type of information in TRACE, they would select the Bugs module to do so.

Modules contain at least one form type where users can enter, update, and review data related to the module's function. Once a user accesses a module, they can create new forms or edit existing ones, and use filters or reports to review the project data it contains.

TRACE ships with the following modules designed to meet many common project needs:

      Actions: Use to create an Action Item, which assigns an item of interest to TRACE users with a priority and due date.

      Bugs: Use to identify a Bug, or a reproducible item, with an observed and expected behavior that a user can assign to TRACE users. Bugs include a priority, severity, and due date.

      Documents: Use to organize the project documents

      Issues: Similar to an Action Item, an Issue is an item of interest that could keep a project from successful completion.

      Requirements: Use to categorize and identify project requirements.

      Tests: Use to identify, create, and perform verification tests, including Test Runs with a recorded pass or fail categorization.

Each module provides additional forms and fields to enter comments and relate documents. Refer to Standard Modules for additional information.