What is TRACE?

What is TRACE?

Wind River TRACE is a generic web-based collaboration tool that helps organize and retrieve data quickly, and share project information with others. One popular use is as a project management tool. Throughout this manual, the project management metaphor is used to explain TRACE uses and features. To see some other potential uses for TRACE, see Customizing TRACE.


Tutorial Available: Go to TRACE from 30,000 ft. for an interactive overview of TRACE.

TRACE helps avoid the most common issues of on-time project delivery, such as:

      Missing requirements

      Over cost

      Behind schedule

To do this, TRACE uses modules titled Actions, Issues, Bugs, Requirements, and Tests to provide a place where project team members (or project staff in TRACE) enter, update, and review project-centric information. See Data Organization and Standard Modules for additional information.

Project staff uses forms to enter data, filters to sort it all out, and reports to provide a progress snapshot depending on the selected report criteria. See Data Retrieval for additional information.

Since project staff have different levels of responsibility, and thereby require access to different levels of information, managers can assign project roles and permissions to disseminate information on an as-needed basis. See Users and Roles for additional information.

TRACE is fully customizable to grow with mission or project needs. Project managers can create or modify modules, forms, and fields to match project needs, and then use TRACE to store, review, and retrieve data for many purposes. See Customizing TRACE for more information.

Cross-Platform, Cross Browser Web-based Application

TRACE is a web application that works the same on any compatible browser. Users navigate to their TRACE home page using their browsers and enter a password to access the application. There are no separate client installations or updates to perform.