

The tutorials provided here use the “TRACE as a project management tool” metaphor to provide hands-on information on using TRACE. For additional information, see Getting Help for information on contacting TRACE support.

Choose a tutorial from the following list, or select a category from the menu:


Note: Modern browsers fully support the TRACE Video tutorials without requiring a plug-in.

TRACE Overview

      TRACE from 30,000 ft.: Learn about the powerful tools that TRACE provides to help manage every aspect of on-time project delivery.

      User Interface: Learn about the powerful tools that TRACE provides to help manage every aspect of on-time project delivery.

Standard Forms

      Action Items: Learn to create and edit action items in a project.

      Bugs: Learn to create and edit bugs in a project.

      Issues: Learn to create and edit issues in a project.

      Requirements: Learn how to create requirements in a project.

      Tests: Learn about creating a test plan inside of TRACE. A test plan is made up of Test Groups, Test Cases, and Test Steps. Then, learn how to use Test Runs to mark steps as pass or fail.


      Dashboard: Learn how to use Project Dashboard for a quick compressive view over project status.

      Batch Update: Learn how to update a batch of forms at once.

Filters and Reports

      Filters and Quick Filters: Learn how to create and save filters and Quick Filters.

      Reports: Learn how to create and run reports.

Project Management

      Staff and Roles: Learn how to create and manage staff members and roles on a project. Roles allow customized access control for forms in your project.

      Creating or Changing a Form Type: Learn how to create a new form type, and how to add fields to an existing form type.

      Importing a Form Type: Learn how to import a form type into the project

      Working with Pre-form customized notification: Learn how direct the email notification to intended users.

      Using Project Recycle Bin: Learn how use the project Recycle Bin.

      Customizing Project Messages: Learn how customize Project Messages.